/* Copyright (C) 2021 Gentoo-libre Install This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include //just for ENOENT #include //just to check for folder #include "main.h" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { bool decode = false; //decoding is set to false by default (default is to encode) //malloc the buffer to store the input string in unsigned char *buffer = malloc(DEFAULT_SIZE*sizeof(unsigned char)); if (!buffer){fprintf(stderr,"Malloc Failed!\n"); exit(1);} int size = DEFAULT_SIZE-1;//-1 to account for the added NULL char //wrap encoded lines after COLS character (default 76). int wrap = WRAP_CHAR; //Go into stdin mode if there are no cli args if (argc == 1){stdinMode(buffer, wrap, decode, argv[0]);}//stdinmode is given a pointer to the input string and addittionally the amount of chars to wrap whether default or user set //arguments processing int argvPos = 1; while ((argv[argvPos]) && (argv[argvPos][0] == '-')) { if (argv[argvPos][1] == '-') { if ((memcmp(argv[argvPos],"--wrap=",7)) == 0) { wrap = atoi(argv[argvPos]+7);//overwrite the default wrap size with the new supplied one if (wrap < 0){printf("%s: invalid wrap size: \'%s\'\n", argv[0], argv[argvPos]+7); exit(1);}//if atoi() returns negative, the input wasn't a positive int goto nextArgument; } if ((memcmp(argv[argvPos],"--decode",8)) == 0) { decode = true; goto nextArgument; } if ((memcmp(argv[argvPos],"--help",6)) == 0) { printf("Usage %s [OPTION]... [FILE]\n", argv[0]); printf("Base64 encode FILE, or standard input, to standard output.\n"); printf("With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input\n\n"); printf("Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.\n"); printf(" -d, --decode\t\tdecode data.\n"); printf(" -w, --wrap=COLS\twrap encoded lines after COLS character (default 76).\n"); printf("\t\t\t Use 0 to disable line wrapping\n\n"); printf("Version: 0.1\n"); exit(0); } printf("%s: unrecognized option -- \'%s\'\n", argv[0], argv[argvPos]);//if here is reached, the option wasn't valid exit(1); } if ((memcmp(argv[argvPos],"-w",2)) == 0) { if (!argv[argvPos+1]){printf("%s: option requires an argument -- \'%c\'\n",argv[0],argv[argvPos][1]); exit(1);}//this triggers if -w hasn't been given a value wrap = atoi(argv[++argvPos]);//overwrite the default wrap size with the new supplied one if (!wrap){printf("%s: invalid wrap size: \'%s\'\n", argv[0], argv[argvPos]); exit(1);} goto nextArgument; } if ((memcmp(argv[argvPos],"-d",2)) == 0) { decode = true; goto nextArgument; } if (!argv[argvPos][1]){stdinMode(buffer, wrap, decode, argv[0]);}//if a '-' was detected, but the next char is NULL, '-' was inputted as a file, so stdinMode is activated printf("%s: invalid option -- \'%c\'\n", argv[0], argv[argvPos][1]);//if here is reached, the option wasn't valid exit(1); nextArgument: ++argvPos;//get read to process the next argument } if (!argv[argvPos]){stdinMode(buffer, wrap, decode, argv[0]);}//if no more operands were provided after options, go into stdin mode if (argv[argvPos+1]){printf("%s: extra operand \'%s\'\n", argv[0], argv[argvPos]); exit(1);}//if there are TWO and not ONE addittional argv arg's at this point, the operaterand to the left of the "FILE" is extra //file processing mode int result; int i = 0; //keeps track of buffer to write FILE *fp; struct stat sb;//struct used by stat() if (stat(argv[argvPos], &sb) == 0 && S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)){fprintf(stderr, "%s: read error: Is a directory\n", argv[0]); free(buffer); exit(1);}//check if cli argv is a folder fp = fopen(argv[argvPos],"rb");//rb for reading binary if (!fp)//if file failed to open { if (errno == ENOENT){fprintf(stderr,"%s: %s: No such file or directory\n", argv[0], argv[argvPos]); free(buffer); exit(1);}//ENOENT is returned if there is no such file or directory fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: Could not open\n", argv[0], argv[argvPos]); free(buffer); exit(1);//all other errors are blanket handled } result = fread(buffer+i, 1, sizeof(unsigned char)*DEFAULT_SIZE-1, fp);//attempt to read up to DEFAULT_SIZE from file. (-1 to account for NULL char to be added) if (!result){fclose(fp); free(buffer); exit(1);}//fread will fail if file is empty, so just exit. i+=result;//add result to i so chars in buffer aren't overwritten next fread() readAgain: if (result == (sizeof(unsigned char)*DEFAULT_SIZE-1))//if the file is longer than DEFAULT_SIZE, result will be the size of DEFAULT_SIZE { size += DEFAULT_SIZE;//increase size of buffer by DEFAULT_SIZE each time buffer = realloc(buffer,size*sizeof(unsigned char)); if (!buffer){fprintf(stderr,"Realloc Failed!\n"); exit(1);} result = fread(buffer+i, 1, sizeof(unsigned char)*DEFAULT_SIZE-1, fp);//attempt to read up to DEFAULT_SIZE from file if (!result){goto perfectSize;}//the previous fread() was the perfect size, so jump to processing i+=result;//add result to i so chars in buffer aren't overwritten next fread() goto readAgain;//repeat until result is less than DEFAULT_SIZE } perfectSize: buffer[i] = '\0';//add null char since function expects it if (!decode) { char *output = base64Encode(buffer, i); if (!output){fprintf(stderr, "Malloc Failed!\n"); exit(1);} if (wrap == 0){result = fwrite(output, 1, sizeof(unsigned char)*strlen(output), stdout); goto exit;}//if wrap is set to 0, do no wrapping. int charactersLeft = strlen(output);//the total number of characters to print is strlen(output_ int x = 0;//position to print from in string so wrap printing works while (charactersLeft > wrap)//keep looping until all of the wrap length writes are done { result = fwrite(output+x, 1, sizeof(unsigned char)*wrap, stdout);//write wrap number of characters at a time if (!result){fprintf(stderr, "Fwrite Failed!\n"); exit(1);}//fwrite to stdout should not fail. It's best to just exit if it does. putchar('\n');//add a newline to finish off the wrapped line x += wrap;//increase the printing position to the next position charactersLeft -= wrap;//decrease charactersLeft by how many were printed } if (charactersLeft == 0){goto exit;}//if the printed number of characters was perfect, don't print an extra newline result = fwrite(output+x, 1, sizeof(unsigned char)*charactersLeft, stdout);//print any remaining characters that are smaller in number than wrap. if (!result){fprintf(stderr, "Fwrite Failed!\n"); exit(1);}//fwrite to stdout should not fail. It's best to just exit if it does. putchar('\n');//add a newline to finish off the wrapped line goto exit; } if (decode) { int outputLength = base64Decode(buffer, i); if (!outputLength){fprintf(stderr,"%s: invalid input\n", argv[0]); free(buffer); exit(1);}//base64 returns -1 if input string was invalid result = fwrite(buffer, 1, sizeof(unsigned char)*outputLength, stdout); goto exit; } exit: fclose(fp);//close the file free(buffer); return 0; }