; Version : 3.0 ; Last update : 25/5/2020 ; Description : FizzBuzz, but in assembly. Stack version. ; Note : There are two issues; ; 0. : Output is limited to the size of the stack (~100000 numbers) ; 1. : Stack writes must be aligned, so there needs to be NULL chars in the output ; Licence : GPLv3 ;; data is aligned to 8 or 16 bytes via null chars section .data fizz db 'Fizz',0,0,0,0xA fizzlen equ $-fizz buzz db 'Buzz',0,0,0,0xA buzzlen equ $-buzz fizzbuzz db 'FizzBuzz',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0xA fizzbuzzlen equ $-fizzbuzz section .text global _start ;_start: mov r12,100 ;counter register, set to count 100 to 1 (stack writing is done in reverse, so each line should be done in reverse of what you want to come out the right way) ;_start: mov r12,100000 ;counter register, set to count 100 to 1 (stack writing is done in reverse, so each line should be done in reverse of what you want to come out the right way) _start: mov r12,1000001 ;counter register, set to count 100 to 1 (stack writing is done in reverse, so each line should be done in reverse of what you want to come out the right way) xor r9,r9 ;r9 is used as a boolean to record if modulus 3 is achieved ALIGN 16 ;align the stack to 16 bytes mov rsi,rsp ;copy the stack pointer to the source register for use at the end. jmp skip ;skip decincrementing the first time round so 100 is kept increment: dec r12 ;deincrement the counter skip: test r12,r12 ;check if 0 has been reached jz exit ;exit if numbers 100000 to 1 have been calculated and written to the stack check3: imul r8d,r12d,0xaaaaaaab;calculate modulus 3 quickly by multiplying the counter by 0xaaaaaaab and truncuating the result into r8d. cmp r8d,0x55555555 ja check5 ;if r8d is larger than 0x55555555; (r12 % 3 !=0) and so modulus 5 is directly jumped to. ;falls through if (r12 % 3 == 0) mov r9,1 ; set the fizz boolean to true check5: imul r8d,r12d,0xcccccccd ;calculate modulus 5 quickly by multiplying the counter by 0xcccccccd and truncuating the result into r8d. cmp r8d,0x33333333 ja checkfizz ;if r8d is larger than 0x33333333; (r12 % 5 !=0). The state of fizz needs to be check to determine if anything needs printing. ;; fall through if (r12 % 5 == 0) test r9,r9 ;r9 is the fizz boolean je buzzonly ;if there is no fizz, only print buzz ;; fall through if both fizz and buzz are achieved; it's fizzbuzz time printfizzbuzz: lea ebx,[fizzbuzz] ;load the memory address of fizzbuzz into ebx add ebx,8 ;increase ebx by 8 so it points to the '\n' in "\n " push qword[ebx] ;push "\n " onto the stack (unsure if should be using r prefix, but e prefix seems to work). sub ebx,8 ;decrease ebx so it points to 'F' in "zzuBzziF" push qword[rbx] ;push "zzuBzziF" onto the stack (unsure if should be using r prefix, but e prefix seems to work). xor r9,r9 ;zero out the fizz boolean jmp increment ;calculate next number checkfizz: test r9,r9 ;check if fizz is achieved je printnum ;if not, print current number ;; fall through if fizz only is achieved fizzonly: push qword[fizz] ;push "\n zziF" onto the stack xor r9,r9 ;zero out the fizz boolean jmp increment ;next number buzzonly: push qword[buzz] ;push "\n zzuB" onto the stack jmp increment ;next number ;; Below stores a a newline and a bunch of null bytes to be overwritten printnum: dec rsp ;decrease stack pointer by 1 since we're write a single byte mov ecx, 0xA ;move a newline into ecx mov [rsp],cl ;copy the newline onto the stack (quite slow, but there's no other choice) mov rax,r12 ;rax = counter mov r10,0xcccccccd ;used in division by 10 below ;; ecx=remainder = low digit = 0..9. eax/=10 toascii_digit: mov ecx,eax ;copy eax to ecx for later usage in modulus. imul rax,r10 ;sign multiply rax by 0xcccccccd to complete the first step of division by 10 shr rax,0x23 ;shift rax right by 35 to finish off rax/=10 mov edx,eax ;move eax to edx so modulus can be done on it without clobbering eax lea edx,[rdx+rdx*4] ;multiply edx by 5 as the first step of modulus add edx,edx ;multiply edx by 2 as the second step of modulus sub ecx,edx ;subtract edx from the original number (before /=10) to finish off modulus 10 ;; the remainder(ecx) is the next calculated digit add ecx,'0' ;add 48 to ecx to turn it into the ASCII representation of the number dec rsp ;write the ASCII digits in MSD-first printing order, working backwards from the end of the string. mov [rsp],cl ;copy the digit (cl == lowest byte in rcx) onto the stack (by chance the stack should be aligned to 4 bytes a few times). ;;Possible speedup(?): as soon as the digits have all been printed, the stack could be padded with null chars to align it to 4 bytes test eax,eax jnz toascii_digit ;if eax does not equal zero, there are more ASCII chars to generate and shove onto the stack. jmp increment ;;print all the bytes in the stack and exit exit: mov eax,1 ;sys_write mov edi,1 ;fp = stdout ;;rsi is a pointer to the saved "start" position in the stack and shouldn't have been changed. lea edx,[rsi] ;truncate the pointer to the "start" of the stack. sub edx,esp ;calculate length in bytes of all characters written to the stack by subtracting the trunctated end of the stack, to the truncated start of the stack mov rsi,rsp ;copy the "end" of the stack to rsi syscall ;print all the bytes in the stack mov eax, 60 ;code for sys_exit xor edi, edi ;return value of 0 syscall ;do sys_exit