/* ============================================================================================ */ /* This software is created by John Anthony and comes with no warranty of any kind. */ /* */ /* If you like this software and would like to contribute to its continued improvement */ /* then please feel free to submit bug reports here: www.github.com/JohnAnthony */ /* */ /* This program is licensed under the GPLv3 and in support of Free and Open Source */ /* Software in general. The full license can be found at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html */ /* ============================================================================================ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef XINERAMA #include #include #endif /* XINERAMA */ #include "list.h" /* Linked list implementation */ #define BUF_SZ 1024 /* Type definitions */ typedef struct { int x, y; } coords; typedef struct cat_instance cat_instance; struct cat_instance { coords loc; struct list_head list; }; typedef struct sparkle_instance sparkle_instance; struct sparkle_instance { unsigned int frame, speed; int frame_mov; unsigned int layer; coords loc; struct list_head list; }; /* Predecs */ static void add_sparkle(void); static void add_cat(unsigned int x, unsigned int y); static void cleanup(void); static void clear_screen(void); static void draw_cats(unsigned int frame); static void draw_sparkles(void); static void* ec_malloc(unsigned int size); static void errout(char *str); static void fillsquare(SDL_Surface* surf, int x, int y, int w, int h, Uint32 col); static void handle_args(int argc, char** argv); static void handle_input(void); static void init(void); static void load_images(void); static SDL_Surface* load_image(const char* path); static void load_resource_data(void); static void load_music(void); static void putpix(SDL_Surface* surf, int x, int y, Uint32 col); static void restart_music(void); static void run(void); static void stretch_images(void); static void update_sparkles(void); static void usage(char* exname); #ifdef XINERAMA static void xinerama_add_cats(void); #endif /* XINERAMA */ /* Globals */ static unsigned int FRAMERATE = 14; static unsigned int SCREEN_BPP = 32; static unsigned int SCREEN_WIDTH = 800; static unsigned int SCREEN_HEIGHT = 600; static SDL_Surface* screen = NULL; static SDL_Event event; static int running = 1; static int SURF_TYPE = SDL_HWSURFACE; static int sound = 1; static int sound_volume = 128; static int fullscreen = 1; static int catsize = 0; static int cursor = 0; #ifdef XINERAMA static Display* dpy; #endif /* XINERAMA */ static int curr_frame = 0; static int sparkle_spawn_counter = 0; static Mix_Music* music; static SDL_Surface** cat_img; static SDL_Surface** sparkle_img; static SDL_Surface** stretch_cat; static SDL_Surface** image_set; static Uint32 bgcolor; static char* RESOURCE_PATH = NULL; static char* LOC_BASE_PATH = "res"; static char* OS_BASE_PATH = "/usr/share/nyancat"; static int ANIM_FRAMES_FG = 0; static int ANIM_FRAMES_BG = 0; static LIST_HEAD(sparkle_list); static LIST_HEAD(cat_list); /* Function definitions */ static void add_sparkle(void) { sparkle_instance* new; new = ec_malloc(sizeof(sparkle_instance)); new->loc.x = screen->w + 80; new->loc.y = (rand() % (screen->h + sparkle_img[0]->h)) - sparkle_img[0]->h; new->frame = 0; new->frame_mov = 1; new->speed = 10 + (rand() % 30); new->layer = rand() % 2; list_add(&new->list, &sparkle_list); } static void add_cat(unsigned int x, unsigned int y) { cat_instance* new; new = ec_malloc(sizeof(cat_instance)); new->loc.x = x; new->loc.y = y; list_add(&new->list, &cat_list); } static void cleanup(void) { Mix_HaltMusic(); Mix_FreeMusic(music); Mix_CloseAudio(); SDL_Quit(); } static void clear_screen(void) { sparkle_instance *s; cat_instance *c; list_for_each_entry(c, &cat_list, list) { /* This is bad. These magic numbers are to make up for uneven image sizes */ fillsquare(screen, c->loc.x, c->loc.y - (curr_frame < 2 ? 0 : 5), image_set[curr_frame]->w + 6, image_set[curr_frame]->h + 5, bgcolor); } list_for_each_entry(s, &sparkle_list, list) { fillsquare(screen, s->loc.x, s->loc.y, sparkle_img[s->frame]->w, sparkle_img[s->frame]->h, bgcolor); } } static void draw_cats(unsigned int frame) { cat_instance* c; SDL_Rect pos; list_for_each_entry(c, &cat_list, list) { pos.x = c->loc.x; pos.y = c->loc.y; if(frame < 2) pos.y -= 5; SDL_BlitSurface( image_set[frame], NULL, screen, &pos ); } } static void draw_sparkles() { sparkle_instance* s; SDL_Rect pos; list_for_each_entry(s, &sparkle_list, list) { pos.x = s->loc.x; pos.y = s->loc.y; SDL_BlitSurface( sparkle_img[s->frame], NULL, screen, &pos ); } } static void* ec_malloc(unsigned int size) { void *ptr; ptr = malloc(size); if (!ptr) errout("In ec_malloc -- unable to allocate memory."); return ptr; } static void errout (char *str) { if (str) puts(str); exit(-1); } static void fillsquare(SDL_Surface* surf, int x, int y, int w, int h, Uint32 col) { int i, e; if (x + w < 0 || y + h < 0 || x > surf->w || y > surf->h) return; /* Sanitising of inputs. Make sure we're not drawing off of the surface */ if (x + w > surf->w) w = surf->w - x; if (y + h > surf->h) h = surf->h - y; if (x < 0) { w += x; x = 0; } if (y < 0) { h += y; y = 0; } for (i = x; i < x + w; i++) for (e = y; e < y + h; e++) putpix(surf, i, e, col); } static void handle_args(int argc, char **argv) { int i; /* This REALLY needs to be replaced with getopt */ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-hw")) SURF_TYPE = SDL_HWSURFACE; else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-sw")) SURF_TYPE = SDL_SWSURFACE; else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-f") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--fullscreen")) fullscreen = 1; else if(!(strcmp(argv[i], "-nf") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--nofullscreen"))) fullscreen = 0; else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-nc") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--nocursor")) cursor = 0; else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-sc") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--cursor") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--showcursor")) cursor = 1; else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-ns") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--nosound")) sound = 0; else if((!strcmp(argv[i], "-v") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--volume")) && i < argc - 1) { int vol = atoi(argv[++i]); if(vol >= 0 && vol <= 128){ sound_volume = vol; } else { puts("Arguments for Volume are not valid. Disabling sound."); sound = 0; } } else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-h") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--help")) usage(argv[0]); else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-c") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--catsize")) { if (++i < argc) { if(!strcmp(argv[i], "full")) catsize = 1; else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "small")) catsize = 0; else printf("Unrecognised scaling option: %s - please select either 'full' or 'small' cat size.\n", argv[i]); } } else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-d") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--data-set")) { if (++i < argc) { if (RESOURCE_PATH) free(RESOURCE_PATH); RESOURCE_PATH = strdup(argv[i]); } } else if((!strcmp(argv[i], "-r") && strcmp(argv[i], "--resolution")) && i < argc - 2) { int dims[2] = { atoi(argv[++i]), atoi(argv[++i]) }; if (dims[0] >= 0 && dims[0] < 10000 && dims[1] >= 0 && dims[1] < 5000) { // Borrowed from PixelUnsticker, changed the variable name SCREEN_WIDTH = dims[0]; SCREEN_HEIGHT = dims[1]; } else puts("Arguments do not appear to be valid screen sizes. Defaulting."); } else printf("Unrecognised option: %s\n", argv[i]); } if (!RESOURCE_PATH) RESOURCE_PATH = "default"; } static void handle_input(void) { while( SDL_PollEvent( &event ) ) { switch (event.type) { case SDL_KEYDOWN: case SDL_QUIT: case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: running = 0; break; } } } static void init(void) { int i; srand( time(NULL) ); SDL_Init( SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING ); if (fullscreen) screen = SDL_SetVideoMode( 0, 0, SCREEN_BPP, SURF_TYPE | SDL_FULLSCREEN ); else screen = SDL_SetVideoMode( SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, SCREEN_BPP, SURF_TYPE ); if(!cursor) SDL_ShowCursor(0); load_resource_data(); load_images(); bgcolor = SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 0x00, 0x33, 0x66); fillsquare(screen, 0, 0, screen->w, screen->h, bgcolor); if(sound) { Mix_OpenAudio( 44100, AUDIO_S16, 2, 256 ); load_music(); Mix_PlayMusic(music, 0); Mix_VolumeMusic(sound_volume); } /* Choose our image set */ if (catsize == 1) image_set = stretch_cat; else image_set = cat_img; /* Ugly */ #ifdef XINERAMA if (!(dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL))) puts("Failed to open Xinerama display information."); else{ if(catsize == 1) stretch_images(); xinerama_add_cats(); XCloseDisplay(dpy); } #else if(catsize == 1) add_cat(0, (screen->h - image_set[0]->h) / 2); else { add_cat((screen->w - cat_img[0]->w) / 2, (screen->h - cat_img[0]->h) / 2); } #endif /* Xinerama */ /* clear initial input */ while( SDL_PollEvent( &event ) ) {} /* Pre-populate with sparkles */ for (i = 0; i < 200; i++) update_sparkles(); } static void load_images(void) { int i; char buffer[BUF_SZ]; cat_img = ec_malloc(sizeof(SDL_Surface*) * ANIM_FRAMES_FG); sparkle_img = ec_malloc(sizeof(SDL_Surface*) * ANIM_FRAMES_BG); /* Loading logic */ for (i = 0; i < ANIM_FRAMES_FG; ++i) { snprintf(buffer, BUF_SZ, "%s/%s/fg%02d.png", LOC_BASE_PATH, RESOURCE_PATH, i); cat_img[i] = load_image(buffer); if (!cat_img[i]) { snprintf(buffer, BUF_SZ, "%s/%s/fg%02d.png", OS_BASE_PATH, RESOURCE_PATH, i); cat_img[i] = load_image(buffer); } } for (i = 0; i < ANIM_FRAMES_BG; ++i) { snprintf(buffer, BUF_SZ, "%s/%s/bg%02d.png", LOC_BASE_PATH, RESOURCE_PATH, i); sparkle_img[i] = load_image(buffer); if (!sparkle_img[i]) { snprintf(buffer, BUF_SZ, "%s/%s/bg%02d.png", OS_BASE_PATH, RESOURCE_PATH, i); sparkle_img[i] = load_image(buffer); } } /* Check everything loaded properly */ for (int i = 0; i < ANIM_FRAMES_FG; ++i) if (!cat_img[i]) errout("Error loading foreground images."); for (int i = 0; i < ANIM_FRAMES_BG; ++i) if (!sparkle_img[i]) errout("Error loading background images."); } static SDL_Surface* load_image( const char* path ) { SDL_Surface* loadedImage = NULL; SDL_Surface* optimizedImage = NULL; loadedImage = IMG_Load( path ); if(loadedImage) { optimizedImage = SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha( loadedImage ); SDL_FreeSurface( loadedImage ); } return optimizedImage; } static void load_music(void) { char buffer[BUF_SZ]; snprintf(buffer, BUF_SZ, "%s/%s/music.ogg", LOC_BASE_PATH, RESOURCE_PATH); music = Mix_LoadMUS(buffer); if (!music) { snprintf(buffer, BUF_SZ, "%s/%s/music.ogg", OS_BASE_PATH, RESOURCE_PATH); music = Mix_LoadMUS(buffer); } if (!music) printf("Unable to load Ogg file: %s\n", Mix_GetError()); else Mix_HookMusicFinished(restart_music); } static void load_resource_data(void) { FILE *f; char buffer[BUF_SZ]; snprintf(buffer, BUF_SZ, "%s/%s/data", LOC_BASE_PATH, RESOURCE_PATH); f = fopen(buffer, "r"); if (!f) { snprintf(buffer, BUF_SZ, "%s/%s/data", OS_BASE_PATH, RESOURCE_PATH); f = fopen(buffer, "r"); } if (!f) errout("Error opening resource data file"); ANIM_FRAMES_FG = atoi(fgets(buffer, BUF_SZ, f)); ANIM_FRAMES_BG = atoi(fgets(buffer, BUF_SZ, f)); if (!ANIM_FRAMES_FG || !ANIM_FRAMES_BG) errout("Error reading resource data file."); } static void putpix(SDL_Surface* surf, int x, int y, Uint32 col) { Uint32 *pix = (Uint32 *) surf->pixels; pix [ ( y * surf->w ) + x ] = col; } static void restart_music(void) { Mix_PlayMusic(music, 0); } static void run(void) { unsigned int last_draw, draw_time; while( running ) { last_draw = SDL_GetTicks(); clear_screen(); update_sparkles(); draw_sparkles(); draw_cats(curr_frame); handle_input(); SDL_Flip(screen); /* Frame increment and looping */ curr_frame++; if (curr_frame >= ANIM_FRAMES_FG) curr_frame = 0; draw_time = SDL_GetTicks() - last_draw; if (draw_time < (1000 / FRAMERATE)) SDL_Delay((1000 / FRAMERATE) - draw_time); } } static void stretch_images(void) { SDL_Rect stretchto; stretchto.w = 0; stretchto.h = 0; /* Just use the x co-ordinate for scaling for now. This does, however, need to be changed to accomodate taller resolutions */ #ifdef XINERAMA int i, nn; XineramaScreenInfo* info = XineramaQueryScreens(dpy, &nn); for (i = 0; i < nn; ++i) { if(!stretchto.w || info[i].width < stretchto.w) stretchto.w = info[i].width; } XFree(info); #endif /* XINERAMA */ if (!stretchto.w) stretchto.w = screen->w; /* Handle a slight scaling down */ stretchto.w *= 0.9; stretchto.h = stretchto.w * cat_img[0]->h / cat_img[0]->w; SDL_PixelFormat fmt = *(cat_img[0]->format); for (int i=0; i <= ANIM_FRAMES_FG; i++) { stretch_cat[i] = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SURF_TYPE, stretchto.w, stretchto.h,SCREEN_BPP,fmt.Rmask,fmt.Gmask,fmt.Bmask,fmt.Amask); SDL_SoftStretch(cat_img[i],NULL,stretch_cat[i],NULL); } } static void update_sparkles(void) { sparkle_instance *s; sparkle_instance *tmp; sparkle_spawn_counter += rand() % screen->h; while(sparkle_spawn_counter >= 1000) { add_sparkle(); sparkle_spawn_counter -= 1000; } list_for_each_entry_safe(s, tmp, &sparkle_list, list) { s->loc.x -= s->speed; s->frame += s->frame_mov; if(s->frame + 1 >= ANIM_FRAMES_BG || s->frame < 1) s->frame_mov = 0 - s->frame_mov; if (s->loc.x < 0 - sparkle_img[0]->w) { list_del(&s->list); free(s); } } } static void usage(char* exname) { printf("Usage: %s [OPTIONS]\n\ -h, --help This help message\n\ -f, --fullscreen Enable fullscreen mode (default)\n\ -nf, --nofullscreen Disable fullscreen mode\n\ -c, --catsize Choose size of cat, options are full and \n\ small. Small is default. \"Full\" not\n\ officially supported.\n\ -nc, --nocursor Don't show the cursor (default)\n\ -sc, --cursor, --showcursor Show the cursor\n\ -ns, --nosound Don't play sound\n\ -v, --volume Set Volume, if enabled, from 0 - 128\n\ -r, --resolution Make next two arguments the screen \n\ resolution to use (0 and 0 for full \n\ resolution) (800x600 default)\n\ -d, --data-set Use an alternate data set. Packaged with\n\ this program by default are \"default\"\n\ and \"freedom\" sets.\n\ -hw, -sw Use hardware or software SDL rendering, \n\ respectively. Hardware is default\n", exname); exit(0); } #ifdef XINERAMA static void xinerama_add_cats(void) { int i, nn; XineramaScreenInfo* info = XineramaQueryScreens(dpy, &nn); for (i = 0; i < nn; ++i) { if(fullscreen) { add_cat(info[i].x_org + ((info[i].width - image_set[0]->w) / 2), info[i].y_org + ((info[i].height - image_set[0]->h) / 2)); } else { add_cat((SCREEN_WIDTH - image_set[0]->w) / 2, (SCREEN_HEIGHT - image_set[0]->h) / 2); } } XFree(info); } #endif /* XINERAMA */ int main( int argc, char **argv ) { handle_args(argc, argv); init(); run(); cleanup(); return 0; }