path: root/fizzbuzz.asm
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authorGentoo <>2021-03-27 09:47:14 +1100
committerGentoo <>2021-03-27 09:47:14 +1100
commit655d184ceacd8ea943add55d52ececd76bb720c9 (patch)
tree00763f8f6e7444e2957abf977b16a27d0b36fb09 /fizzbuzz.asm
initial commitHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'fizzbuzz.asm')
1 files changed, 117 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fizzbuzz.asm b/fizzbuzz.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1b5d14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fizzbuzz.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+; Version : 2.11
+; Last update : 30/7/2020
+; Description : FizzBuzz, but in assembly. Left at a good tradeoff between speed and complexity.
+; Licence : GPLv3
+section .data
+fizz db 'Fizz',0xA
+fizzlen equ $-fizz
+buzz db 'Buzz',0xA
+buzzlen equ $-buzz
+fizzbuzz db 'FizzBuzz',0xA
+fizzbuzzlen equ $-fizzbuzz
+section .text
+global _start
+xor r12,r12 ;counter register, set to count 0 to 100
+xor r9,r9 ;r9 is used as a boolean to record if modulus 3 is achieved
+jmp skip ;skip incrementing the first time round so 0 is kept
+increment: inc r12 ;increment the counter
+skip: cmp r12,101 ;check if 101 has been reached
+;skip: cmp r12,1000001 ;check if 101 has been reached
+je exit ; Exit if numbers 0 to 100 have been calculated
+check3: imul r8d,r12d,0xaaaaaaab;calculate modulus 3 quickly by multiplying the counter by 0xaaaaaaab and truncuating the result into r8d.
+cmp r8,0x55555555
+ja check5 ;if r8 is larger than 0x55555555; (r12 % 3 !=0) and so modulus 5 is directly jumped to.
+;falls through if (r12 % 3 == 0)
+mov r9,1 ; set the fizz boolean to true
+check5: imul r8d,r12d,0xcccccccd ;calculate modulus 5 quickly by multiplying the counter by 0xcccccccd and truncuating the result into r8d.
+cmp r8,0x33333333
+ja checkfizz ;if r8 is larger than 0x33333333; (r12 % 5 !=0). The state of fizz needs to be check to determine if anything needs printing.
+;; fall through if (r12 % 5 == 0)
+test r9,r9 ;r9 is the fizz boolean
+je buzzonly ;if there is no fizz, only print buzz
+;; fall through if both fizz and buzz are achieved; it's fizzbuzz time
+printfizzbuzz: mov edi,1 ;file descriptor 1=stdout
+mov rsi,fizzbuzz ;mov memory address of text to print into rsi.
+mov rdx,fizzbuzzlen ;mov amount of bytes to write into rdx.
+mov eax,1 ;1=sys_write syscall.
+syscall ;do the syscall (sys_write in this case)
+xor r9,r9 ;zero out the fizz boolean
+jmp increment
+checkfizz: test r9,r9 ;check if fizz is achieved
+je printnum ;if not, print current number
+;; fall through if fizz is achieved
+mov edi,1 ; File descriptor 1=stdout
+mov rsi,fizz ;mov memory address of text to print into rsi.
+mov rdx,fizzlen ;mov amount of bytes to write into rdx.
+mov eax,1 ;1=sys_write syscall.
+syscall ;do the syscall (sys_write in this case)
+xor r9,r9 ;zero out the fizz boolean
+jmp increment
+mov edi,1 ;file descriptor 1=stdout
+mov rsi,buzz ;mov memory address of text to print into rsi.
+mov rdx,buzzlen ;mov amount of bytes to write into rdx.
+mov eax,1 ;1=sys_write syscall. 1 must be moved into rax after syscall is used, since rax is overwritten with the return value
+syscall ;do the syscall (sys_write in this case)
+xor r9,r9 ;zero out the fizz boolean
+jmp increment
+printnum: ALIGN 16 ;align the stack to 16 bytes.
+mov ecx, 0xA ;base 10
+dec rsp
+mov [rsp],cl ;newline = 0xa = base
+mov rsi,rsp ;move the stack pointer to the source register
+;sub rsp,16 ;the red-zone is big enough on 64 bit linux to allow printing ~8 or even more digits without modifying the stack pointer. Change the LEA below from "[rsp+16+1]" to "lea edx, [rsp+1]" if removed.
+;; rsi is pointing at '\n' on the stack, with 16B of "allocated" space below that. (if the stack pointer wasn't modified, the red-zone is written into instead)
+mov rax,r12 ;rax = counter
+mov r10,0xcccccccd ;used in division by 10 below
+;; ecx=remainder = low digit = 0..9. eax/=10
+toascii_digit: mov ecx,eax ;copy eax to ecx for later usage in modulus.
+imul rax,r10 ;sign multiply rax by 0xcccccccd to complete the first step of division by 10
+shr rax,0x23 ;shift rax right by 35 to finish off rax/=10
+mov edx,eax ;move eax to edx so modulus can be done on it without clobbering eax
+lea edx,[rdx+rdx*4] ;multiply edx by 5 as the first step of modulus
+add edx,edx ;multiply edx by 2 as the second step of modulus
+sub ecx,edx ;subtract edx from the original number (before /=10) to finish off modulus 10
+;; the remainder(ecx) is the next calculated digit
+add ecx,'0' ;add 48 to ecx to turn it into the ASCII representation of the number
+dec rsi ;store digits in MSD-first printing order, working backwards from the end of the string
+mov [rsi],cl ;shove cl(lower 8 bits in rcx) onto the stack
+test eax,eax
+jnz toascii_digit ;if eax does not equal zero, there are more ASCII chars to generate and shove onto the stack
+;; rsi points to the first digit
+mov eax,1 ;sys_write
+mov edi,1 ;fd = STDOUT_FILENO
+lea edx,[rsp+1] ;yes, it's safe to truncate pointers before subtracting to find length.
+sub edx,esi ;calculate length, including the \n
+syscall ;print the chars on the stack
+;add rsp, 24 ;undo the push and the buffer reservation (32-bit: add esp,20)
+jmp increment
+mov eax, 60 ;code for sys_exit
+xor edi, edi ;return value of 0
+syscall ;do sys_exit