path: root/main.c
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authorGentoo <>2021-03-27 10:22:24 +1100
committerGentoo <>2021-03-27 10:22:24 +1100
commit865f0b96f298dea4ae79efcd9fb4920880f21036 (patch)
tree9b18ff9b21413f9d1bd6f6295e7822431b8378c1 /main.c
initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'main.c')
1 files changed, 152 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/main.c b/main.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3728e14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main.c
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>//store if number is negative
+//powq(): square roots
+unsigned long powq(int number, int power)
+unsigned long result = 1;//result int, 1 by default
+if (!power){return 1;}//if to the power of 0, return 1
+while(power)//loop until all powers have been calculated
+ {
+ result *= number;//in the end result=number*number*number*etc until power is reached
+ --power;//--power since a power has been calculated
+ }
+return result;
+//itoh(): Convert a string of decimal numbers to a string of hex. (No negative input num handling, no invalid char handling and ignores overflows)
+void itoh(char s[], char *result)
+int i; //counter variable
+for(i=0;i<16;++i){result[i]='0';}//zero out the result string (16 chars due to that being the size of unsigned long long int max)
+int power = 0; //int to store the power.
+while(s[power] != '\0'){++power;}//increment power for however many non-null chars in the string.
+--power;//The correct power is actually one less than above returns
+unsigned long long integer = 0; //the variable in which the integer result from the input string is stored.
+i=0;//reset the counter int
+while (s[i] != '\0')//convert the string of decimal numbers into a long long int
+ {
+ if (s[i] >= '0' && s[i] <= '9'){integer += ((s[i] - '0') * powq(10,power));}//integer = integer + ([char converted to number] * (10^[position of number in string]))
+ ++i;
+ --power;//Deincrement the power. E.g. ([charvalue]*(10^3))+([nextcharvalue]*(10^2)) etc
+ }
+//convert the long long into a string of ASCII hex
+i=15;//Write string right to left
+int temp;
+ {
+ temp = (integer % 16);//temp = value to encode into ASCII char
+ if ((temp>=0)&&(temp<=9)){result[i] = temp + '0'; goto skip;}//if temp is 0-9, convert that to a digit and skip checking for A-F
+ if ((temp>=10)&&(temp<=15)){result[i] = temp + 55;}//if temp is 10-15, convert that to A-F
+ skip: integer/=16;//divide integer by 16 to allow generating the next ASCII char
+ --i;//write to the next digit to the left
+ }
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+bool negative = false; //handle negative numbers
+if (!argv[1]){goto stdinMode;}
+ if (argv[1][1] == '-')
+ {
+ printf("Usage (stdin mode): %s\n", argv[0]);
+ printf("Ctrl+D to exit\n");
+ printf("Usage (cli args mode): %s [decnum]\n", argv[0]);
+ printf("Licence: AGPLv3\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ //result hex string, passed to itoh();
+ char *cli = malloc(17*sizeof(char));
+ if (!cli){printf("Malloc failed!\n"); return 1;}
+ cli[16]='\0';//add null terminating char
+ //strip out invalid chars from the input string
+ if (argv[1][0] == '-'){negative = true;}//handle negative numbers
+ int a,q;//counter variables
+ for (a=0; argv[1][a] != '\0'; ++a)
+ {
+ if ((argv[1][a] < '0')||(argv[1][a] > '9'))//if argv[1][i] is a character to remove....
+ {
+ q=a;
+ while(argv[1][q] != '\0'){argv[1][q++] = argv[1][q+1];}//shift all characters above left, overwriting the character
+ --a;//deincrement a, since the string was just shrunk by one and the one just above could indeed be a matching char
+ }
+ }
+ itoh(argv[1], cli);
+ if (negative){printf("-%s\n",cli); free(cli); return 0;}//handle negative numbers
+ printf("%s\n",cli);//print string with all leading 0's
+ free(cli);
+ return 0;
+stdinMode: ;
+//input decimal string, by default 10 chars long
+int size = 10;
+char *input = malloc(size*sizeof(char));
+if (!input){printf("Malloc failed!\n"); return 1;}
+//result hex string
+char *result = malloc(17*sizeof(char));
+if (!result){printf("Malloc failed!\n"); return 1;}
+result[16]='\0';//add null terminating char
+int i;
+nextnum: i=0;
+char c;
+while ((c=getchar())!='\n')
+ {
+ if (c==EOF){free(result); free(input); exit(0);}//exit if EOF
+ if (i>size-2){size+=4; input=realloc(input,size*sizeof(char)); if (!input){printf("Realloc failed!\n"); return 1;}}//relloc if the input string is longer than size
+ input[i]=c;//write c to the string
+ ++i;
+ }
+ input[i] = '\0'; //add NULL char for itoh
+//strip out invalid chars from the input string
+if (input[0] == '-'){negative = true;}//handle negative numbers
+int j;//another counter variable
+for (i=0; input[i] != '\0'; ++i)
+ {
+ if ((input[i] < '0')||(input[i] > '9'))//if input[i] is an invalid character
+ {
+ j=i;
+ while(input[j] != '\0'){input[j++] = input[j+1];}//shift all characters above left, overwriting the character
+ --i;//deincrement i, since the string was just shrunk by one and the one just above could indeed be a matching char
+ }
+ }
+itoh(input, result);//itoh(): Given input string and a pointer to the result string
+while(result[i] == '0'){++i;}//increment i until a non-0 char is found
+if (i == 16){--i;}//if all characters are 0, leave a 0 so the string isn't null
+int x;//another counter variable
+if (i){for(x=0;result[i-1]!='\0';++x){result[x]=result[i];++i;}}//copy non-0 characters to the left so there aren't any 0's in front of the output number. (Also don't do this if i=0 (there are no 0's))
+if (negative){printf("Hexadecimal: -0x%s\n",result); negative = false; goto nextnum;}//handle negative numbers
+printf("Hexadecimal: 0x%s\n",result);
+goto nextnum; //process another number
+//these won't be reached, but included anyway in case the above goto is removed
+return 0;